
Organic milk replacer for calves and lambs

We recently added organic versions of our our well-known concepts for calves and lambs, Eurolac and Novilam, to our product range. Both these products comply with the EU rules for organic farming, and the production process is controlled and certified by <link file:2386 download>SKAL Bio Control. The characteristics of organic products are: 
  • Products must contain at least 95% genuine organic ingredients.
  • It must be clear where the ingredients come from.
  • No chemical pesticides have been used.
  • No fertilizer has been used.
  • Animal welfare has been taken into account.
Our organic products can be recognized by the European organic quality marking. This way we contribute to the reliability of organic products. Eurolac Bio and Novilam Bio, naturally, meet our own strict requirements in addition to the requirements of the EU and SKAL. This means that Eurolac Bio, like all our Eurolac calf milk replacers, is 100% based on vegetable fats and is produced with our own innovative spray drying system. Novilam Bio, like all our Novilam lamb milk replacers, is developed with a high content of dairy raw materials. For more information on our organic milk replacers or about the Eurolac or Novilam concept please use our contact form.

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